Tuesday, January 22, 2013

KNUE Movies

Over the years, the instructors at KNUE have created short movies to show to trainees after their skit performances.  I've included links to some of them here.  If you're the type of person who enjoys B-movie weirdness, check it out.  And I make no apologies for wearing a horse mask in Loser Rap Stars.  I had a vision.

 Loser Rap Stars
Colin, August, Reggie and I tried to make a coherent movie about 3 homeless weirdos who are transformed into Hip Hop royalty.  This video accomplishes one thing: destroying any hopes of a career in politics for all involved.

The Language of Terror
Malcolm directs and produces this slasher movie.  I think the script was written by Nicole.  Some quality acting in this one, a real star vehicle.

Team Spirit
Malcolm directing again.  Probably my favorite of the movies we've worked on.  This really captures the petty rivalries and infighting that happen on a day to day basis at KNUE.  I keed, I keed.

Shaving Teacher Brian
This one is especially gonzo.  Brian absolutely nails his role as an English instructor turned Al Qaeda operative.  And the whole "Fart Blocker" scene, not my idea. 

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